International Cooperation
We are increasing the scope of project and other forms of international cooperation
Successful performance in today’s higer education and business sphere is mainly based on a continuous process of learning, training, and adapting to always changing, increasingly interconnected global environment.
We are enlarging our international cooperation with international higher educational institutions and businesses in light of these processes.
Our activities are targeting our and foreign students, lecturers, and staff, as well as enterprises, higher education institutions, institutes, organisations, etc., and are following our long term aims:
- Continuous improvement of the level of knowledge, competences and skills, gained through pedagogic, academic and research processes in international environment, and therefore development of modernisation, digitalisation and internationalisation of learning and teaching processes, as well as dissemination of good practices;
- Strengthening the efficient transition of competences, skills and knowledge to business environments;
- Enlarging the network and cooperation of HEIs, business enterprises, and other entrepreneurship institutions in Erasmus+ Programme and Partner countries (especially in the Western Balkans).
International office is an inner unit of the VŠR College for organisational, administrative and content-related preparation, implementation and evaluation of international cooperation and international projects. It is also responsible for communication with (international) partners, partner institutions and participants in mobilities.
Moreover, it provides incoming and outgoing students and staff with needed preparation and support for their mobility (preparation of agreements, organisation of language support and mentorship, accommodation and insurance assistance, organisation of arrival week for long-term incomers, etc.).
Main Contact:
Coordinators: Mojca Mayr, Barbara Drole
Content strategies: Senior Lecturer Darinka Kamenšek, MSc; Assistant Professor Branko Mayr, PhD
Mentorship: Assistant Professor Branko Mayr, PhD; Senior Lecturer Dejan Petkovič, MSc; Assistant Professor Živko Bergant, PhD; Senior Lecturer Nataša Pustotnik, MSc.
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its estimated budget in 2021-2027 is €26.2 billion. The programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.
It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also supports the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and develops the European dimension in sport
Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education (including early childhood education and care), adult education, youth and sport.The outcomes of Erasmus+ are available in reports and compendia of statistics, as well as through the Erasmus+ Projects Platform.
VŠR College of Accounting and Finance (Ljubljana, Slovenia) holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the whole Erasmus+ programme period 2021-2027.
Academic and other staff from partner institutions, enterprises, and others are welcome to carry out an incoming mobility at the VŠR College within the frame of Erasmus+ Programme. We kindly invite all interested to consult our English webpage for better insight into our academic expertise and other activities. If you are interested in mobility at VŠR College, please contact our international office to consider the options together and establish Erasmus+ partnership with your sending institution (if needed).
We also enable teaching and training mobilities for our academic and nonacademic staff at partner higher education institutions, enterprises, and others. In case you are interested in hosting our staff, especially academic, contact the VŠR College international office to arrange the details and establish Erasmus+ partnership with your institution (if needed).
Erasmus+ Programme offers three types of mobilities for academic and nonacademic staff:
- Teaching Mobility for academic staff, which must cover at least 8 actual teaching hours per week. Minimum duration of mobility is 2 days and maximum 2 months (without traveling days) between two Programme countries and a minimum of 5 days and maximum 2 months (excluding travelling time) between a Programme country and a Partner country. The shortest mobility must include teaching in two consecutive days; whereas teaching hours in longer (extending over one week) mobilities are proportionally reduced (in case of incomplete weeks).
- Training Mobility is available to staff working in education institutions, both in teaching and non-teaching capacities. Training periods can consist of job shadowing, observation periods, professional development courses or specific competence-building events. A training period between two Programme countries must last a minimum of 2 days and maximum 2 months (excluding travelling time). A training period between a Programme country and a Partner country must last a minimum of 5 days and maximum 2 months (excluding travelling time).
- “Blended” Moblity for academic staff is a combination of teaching and training mobility.
The above types of mobilities fcan be performed in various forms:
- Physical Mobility
- Combined Mobility is a combination of a short term physical mobility with a virtual component. the physical part must cover between 5 and 30 consecutive days. This form of mobility also includes the so-called Blended Intensive Programmes (BEPs).
International staff cooperation aims at increasing the quality of study programmes and internationalisation as well as other beneficial effects on VŠR College (i. e. its staffs and students), our institute, partners and on international cooperation. It also attempts to strenghten connections and transfer knowledge between higher education institutions and enterprises.
Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ Programme and has been shown to have a positive effect on graduates’ job prospects. It is also an excellent opportunity to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence as well as to immerse oneself in a new culture.
We welcome students from our partner higher education institutions, enterprises, and others.
Within the frame of Erasmus+ cooperation, incoming students are exempted from fees for tuition, registration, exams and access to library facilities. As an incoming student, you are integrated in our study process and have language support, a mentor and a peer support for better inclusion in the environment.
We invite interested foreign students to look at our website to familiarize themselves with our courses (study programmes). We offer the following courses in Croatian and/or English language in the form of consultations (individual or in small groups), but other courses (not listed) could be arranged by individual agreement.
If you are interested in mobility at VŠR College, please contact our international office, and we will consider establishing cooperation with your sending higher education institution, or will find another solution.
Erasmus+ Mobility can decide for short or long term combined (physical and virtual) mobilities or long term physical mobilities (between 2 and 12 months). We highly encourage short term combined mobilities with 5-30 days physical presence and the virtual component afterwards. Interested students can apply until 15 December for the summer semester and until 5 July for the winter semester.
We enable our students the mobility experience at our partner higher education institutions, enterprises, and elsewhere.
In case the study programmes of your higher education institution are compatible with ours, or your company is offering traineeship to young graduates in accounting, finance or in forensic accounting and finance, do contact the VŠR College international office to sign the Inter-institutional Agreement or arrange future traineeship.
Recognition of mobility in terms of counting toward the final degree is one of the most crucial factors of any student mobility. Appropriate ECTS transfer for the study or traineeship achievements during mobility will be communicated prior to any mobility and defined in agreements (inter-institutional agreements; learning and other tripartite agreements).
All participants of mobility will be well informed about the requirements for full recognition of their course work. They will be included in communication and will need to sign learning or other tripartite agreement, in which the methodology of ECTS transfer will be particularly defined. This agreement will be signed by VŠR College, receiving (or sending) partner higher education institution or enterprise, and Erasmus+ student.
The VŠR College issues the Transcript of Records at the end of each study mobility and keeps records in its archives. Following the Transcript of Records, sending higher education institution (i. e. student’s sending institution) transfers the ECTS in accordance with the agreements and counts them toward the final degree of the student participating in Erasmus+ Mobility.
Incoming and outgoing students can receive an Erasmus+ grant as a contribution to their travel and subsistence costs. Grants vary according to differences in living costs between the country of sending institution and the destination country, the number of students applying for a grant, the distance between countries and the availability of other grants.
Entitlements and obligations of mobility participants before, during and after the mobility are further elaborated in The Erasmus Student Charter.
VŠR College aims at further development of long-term international partnerships, especially in the form of strategic cooperation, knowledge alliances, Blended intensive programmes and joint Master degrees. We strive to establish common objectives with all partners, increase internationalisation and the quality of academic work, improve the transition of knowledge to business, as well as to enforce inter-sector connections. We believe that these aspects of cooperation expand the employment possibilities for our and partners’ students or staff members on the one hand, and efficiency and future development of enterprises on the other.
We would like to establish partnerships in all Erasmus+ Programme and Partner countries, when the joint or compatible objectives are met. We are also interested in strengthening our network of partners in Western Balkans.
Higher education institutions, organisations, enterprises and other interested institutions are kindly invited to contact our international office for possible cooperation.
Established partnerships:
Undergraduate studies: RRiF College of Financial Management (Zagreb), Undergraduate Study Programe Accounting and Finance,
Postgraduate studies: RRiF College of Financial Management (Zagreb), Postgraduate Study Programe Corporate Finance,
Postgraduate studies: Sveučilišni odjel za forenzične znanosti (University of Split), diplomski sveučilišni studij forenzike,
Undergraduate and postgraduate studies: University of Foggia (course catalog)
Undergraduate studies: Varna University of Management (VUM), International Business and Management
Postgraduate studies: Varna University of Management (VUM), Master of Business Administration
Undergraduate studies: D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics,
Postgraduate studies of Economics, Accountancy and Financial Management; D.A. Tsenov Academy
Bosnia and Hercegovina
Novi Sad School of Business
Bratislava University of Economics and Management
Undergraduate studies: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), International Business Management, ; or syllabus by arrangement:
Postgraduate studies: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Management, ; or syllabus by arrangement
University College of Business (UCB)
Undergraduate studies: Universum College, Business and Management,
Postgraduate studies: Universum College, Management, Finance and International Business Management
Global need for quality in management accounting, business finances, and forensic accounting demands highly skilled professionals within business and educational bodies in international and multidiscipline environments. The core of VSR College for Accounting and Finance’s vision is to contribute to this development. International cooperation, learning and research in solid quality frame have positive influence on our strategic goals. VSR College wants to increase and multiply the flows of knowledge, skills, teaching methods, entrepreneurship and good practices through international cooperation. We are connecting with partner institutions and form networks that span across West Balkan area and other parts of Europe.
Our modernisation and internationalisation objectives are incorporated in our strategic planning, and are particularly enabled by crucial tools like Erasmus+ programme. VSR participates in Erasmus+ programme for quality access to opportunities, recognition, and financing of various international activities. Programme enables us to implement individual mobility for increasing individuals’ (students, staff) development, build and maintain international network, and participate in international exchange of knowledge and cooperation.
We participate in the following actions/possibilities of Erasmus+ programme:
International partnership network building of higher education institutions and business
We pursue quality of international cooperation and increase of our international network. We are especially interested in cooperation with institutions and enterprises with similar and/or complementary fields of interests.
Individual mobility of students, staff and academics
Our students can participate in up to one year lasting study and traineeship mobility abroad, through which they gain educational and practical experience in chosen higher education institution or enterprise Non-academic staff can participate in trainings, job shadowings, or at Erasmus+ staff weeks abroad with the purpose of skills exchange, good practice sharing, and partnership building. Academic staff can participate in international teachings, trainings, or blended mobilities to strengthen international academic activities and raise the transfer of knowledge. We welcome academic
and non-academic staff through incoming mobilities, and are developing hosting capacities for incoming students.
Cooperation projects
We are interested in cooperation projects, strategic partnerships and knowledge alliances aiming at modernisation of higher education, and global economic, business, management and entrepreneurship needs, either as partners or as coordinators in later state of our International Erasmus+ development. Furthermore, we envisage a complex and longterm objective of developing joint Masters degrees programmes, and to this aim seek to establish efficient partnerships in current Erasmus+ perspective.
In implementation of Erasmus+ programme VSR ensures the level of quality agreed in Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education. Our Erasmus+ activities are carried through non discriminative and inclusive practices in highly supportive environment and fully respect Erasmus+ financing and administrative rules.
Monitoring Erasmus+ implementation
VSR monitors its involvement in Erasmus+ Programme through the evaluation process for quality and quantity of Erasmus+ activities at yearly basis, and through institutional yearly plans, aligned with institutional strategic goals.
Quantitative indicators at yearly basis:
- At least one incoming mobility of academic and non-academic staff,
- At least one outgoing mobility of academic and non-academic staff,
- The increase of international partnerships.
Qualitative Indicators (ongoing evaluation through meetings, online surveys):
- Satisfaction of staff and students involved in international activities,
- Quality of administrative, finance and support infrastructure for Erasmus+ activities,
- Improvements in working processes and institutional environment as consequence of Erasmus+ activities.
Program »Odprt, odziven in kakovosten sistem visokega šolstva ‒ Projektno delo z gospodarstvom in negospodarstvom v lokalnem in regionalnem okolju ‒ Po kreativni poti do znanja 2016–2020« omogoča povezovanje visokošolskih zavodov s trgom dela in tako daje možnost študentom pridobitev praktičnih izkušenj.
V okviru sofinanciranih projektov študenti proučujejo kreativne in inovativne rešitve za izzive gospodarskega in družbenega okolja. Projekti se izvajajo v skupinah 6‒8 študentov pod mentorstvom pedagoškega in delovnega mentorja, dodatno pa se projektu lahko pridruži organizacija z gospodarskega ali družbenega področja. Projekti trajajo 3‒6 mesecev.
Skupaj s programom se uveljavlja tudi nova dejavnost, pri kateri gre za spodbujanje medsebojne izmenjave znanj, izkušenj in dobrih praks visokošolskih učiteljev in strokovnjakov iz gospodarstva ter drugih področij. Cilj tovrstne dejavnosti je prenos strokovnega in akademskega znanja, kar bo spodbudilo visokošolske zavode k posodabljanju študijskih programov ter uvajanju inovativnih pristopov k učenju.
Visoka šola za računovodstvo in finance v projektih PKP prepoznava izjemno priložnost, da študentom omogoči uvid v strokovno, raziskovalno in inovativno delo kot odgovor na realne potrebe stroke. Kot šola, ki jo odlikuje dobra povezanost s stroko in prizadevanje k čim boljši pripravi študentov na potrebe delovnega okolja, stremimo k priložnostim, ki nam tak razvoj omogočajo. Projekti PKP ob tem spodbujajo tudi medsektorsko, multidisciplinarno sodelovanje, ki ga prepoznavamo kot enega temeljnih stebrov današnjega in jutrišnjega gospodarskega okolja.
Oblikovanje orodja za sestavo konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov po Mednarodnih standardih računovodskega poročanja
V šolskem letu 2016/2017 je Visoka šola za računovodstvo in finance izvedla projekt »Oblikovanjeorodja za sestavo konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov po Mednarodnih standardihračunovodskega poročanja (MSRP)«, v katerem je skupina šestih študentov VŠR s pomočjo dveh pedagoških mentorjev in ene delovne mentorice za gospodarsko družbo TAB TovarnaAkumulatorskih Baterij d.d. (Mežica) razvila orodje za poročanje in sestavo konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov po MSRP.
Potreba za razvoj takega orodja je nastala z dopolnitvijo Zakona o gospodarskih družbah (ZGD) avgusta 2015, ki od leta 2016 vse velike skupine pravnih oseb zavezuje k poročanju po MSRP, ki se razlikujejo od Slovenskih računovodskih standardov. Gospodarska družba TAB d.d. je morala v konsolidirano poročilo vključiti še svoje mednarodne odvisne družbe iz Italije, Španije, Poljske in Makedonije. Jedro projekta je tako predstavljal razvoj orodja, ki bo TAB d.d. z ozirom na njegove mednarodne hčerinske družbe omogočilo potrebno poenotenje na MSRP in učinkovito vsakoletnoporočanje.
Razvoj orodja je vključeval več faz (od priprave praznih poročevalskih paketov do prevajanja orodja, zbiranje testnih izpolnjenih paketov družb, tehnične in vsebinske izboljšave itd.), ki so jih študenti ob zaključku projekta tudi podrobneje javno predstavili in opisali v modulu. Predstavitveni modul je dostopen na naslednji povezavi. Na projektu so sodelovali naslednji študenti in študentke VŠR:Andreja Židan, Bogdan Živić, Nik Murn, Nina Demšar, Petra Kukulj in Tjaša Nakić ter Sabina Zalar.
V okviru projekta sta potekali tudi dve predavanji pedagoške in delovne mentorice, preko katerih so bila pridobljena znanja prenesena tako v sodelujoče podjetje kot med študente VŠR. Kot pedagoška mentorja sta na projektu sodelovala mag. Darinka Kamenšek in mag. Dejan Petkovič, kot delovna mentorica pa Blanka Štumberger.
Prispevek o projektu in njegovih rezultatih pa bo do konca leta 2017 objavljen tudi v reviji Poslovodno računovodstvo.
Projekt sta finančno podprla Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija (Evropski socialni sklad) v okviru javnega razpisa za sofinanciranje projektov Projektno delo z gospodarstvom in negospodarstvom v lokalnem in regionalnem okolju – po kreativni poti do znanja 2016/2017.
Model za načrtovanje in spremljanje učinkovitosti investicij v drago medicinsko opremo (MDMO)
V okviru projekta PKP 2017/2018 smo izdelali model za načrtovanje in spremljanje učinkovitosti investicij v drago medicinsko opremo. Model je v prvi vrsti namenjen odločevalcem o investiciji v drago medicinsko opremo v javnih in zasebnih zdravstvenih ustanovah. Kot alternativa nakupu drage opreme se na trgu pojavlja možnost odločitve za poslovni najem. Poslovni najem je praviloma enostavnejša izbira, saj v pogodbi pogosto že vključuje stroške vzdrževanja. Za nakup je po drugi strani treba zbrati ustrezno količino denarnih sredstev, vendar je pri zadostni življenjski dobi in učinkovitosti uporabe pogosto bolj ekonomična izbira.
Z modelom, ki je trenutno oblikovan za CT naprave, a ga je moč prilagoditi tudi za drugo opremo, je mogoče presojati med nakupom in najemom ter določiti potrebno življenjsko dobo in učinkovitost opreme za upravičenje investicije. Model je bil razvit na primeru CT naprav Splošne bolnišnice Izola.
Prenosi publikacije:
Priloge k priročniku:
- PRILOGA 2: Splošni dogovor za pogodbeno leto 2017
- PRILOGA 3: Normativi – radiologija
- PRILOGA 4: Potrošni material CT za lekarno 2017
- PRILOGA 5: Povzetek finančnega načrta za radiologijo SBI
Za več informacij nas lahko kontaktirate na:
Več o projektu si lahko preberete TUKAJ