Who we are?
Since 2007, the College of Accounting and Finance has been creating an environment that offers our students professional development and in-depth knowledge, which they later implement in their work.
The VŠR College of Accounting and Finance is a private higher education institution. It was founded by:
- Counselling and Education Mayr d.o.o., Stegne 21c, Ljubljana,
- Živko Bergant, PhD, Pod topoli 63, Ljubljana
- Darinka Kamenšek, MSc Metelkova ul. 53, Maribor

“I am one of those who have persistently argued that accounting will never be a part of their life. However, as the saying goes, »one has to eat humble pie« and today I almost cannot imagine a day unrelated to accounting or auditing.
I’m sure that accounting has a bright future. The profession of accountants is highly appreciated and valued (accountants are at the very top of the companies’ hierarchy) in the developed economies. It is becoming more and more respected and sought-after in Slovenia as well. The realisation that knowledge of accounting is an essential condition for success and business excellence has gained ground. This might also be the cause of the saying »accounting is the language of businessmen«.
After all, this was one of the key reasons that we have decided to establish a specialized college of accounting, which aims to become one of the leading accounting and financial schools of the American-European style in Central and Eastern Europe.
Our graduates have a vast knowledge of accounting, business finances and taxes. Their professional and personal virtues allow them to become the closest associates of management and thus creatively involved in shaping the quality proposals for business decisions.
If you are curious, creative and persistent, we are the right choice. Our professors, practitioners, who also work as auditors, tax consultants, accountants, etc. on daily basis, will help you enhance the necessary theoretical knowledge through practical experiences. Or as our slogan outlines: »From practice for practice«.”
Branko Mayr, PhD.
Deputy Dean for Quality and Student affairs
The fundamental mission of the VŠR College is to deliver professional knowledge and practices in order to form the accounting and financial experts, working within the information and financial functions of the business system. It aims to contribute to a higher level of accounting and financial knowledge and of practical experiences among various target groups of already established and future entrepreneurs, directors, financiers, accountants, and others, who directly or indirectly enter both domestic as well as international markets. We are convinced that this is the right path for still wider usefulness and contribution of accounting to the business decision-making processes.
The VŠR College aims to become one of the most prominent accounting and financial schools of American-European style in Central and Eastern Europe.
The objectives of the Undergraduate Study Programme of Accounting and Finance, Master Study Programme of Forensic Investigations in Finance and Accounting as well as both Certification Training Programmes are:
– To enable students to acquire expertise and skills for addressing complex professional and work problems,
– To develop students’ communication abilities within and across disciplines,
– To improve students’ professional criticism and to uphold professional accountability,
– To develop future graduates’ initiative and autonomy in decision-making processes and management.
Students will also enhance their knowledge through practical training in a working environment.
Graduates will therefore:
- Be able to cooperate with the management and to assist company managers with reliable and timely information for making the best possible business decisions;
- Be qualified to report on the business performance of the business system in a way that the accounting reports express a real and fair image of business system’s business activities;
- Know how to organise and run the accounting as a central information activity in the business system;
- Be able to act in forensic investigations.
Our fundamental principle of work is transferring theoretical knowledge in a creative environment of collegial relation between professors and students and conveying it into practice.
We prioritize a direct relationship and dialogue between professors and students, who are thus motivated to solve concrete problems. Teachers are also presenting their practical experiences in addition to theoretical knowledge. The goal of the dialogue is to teach students how to solve problems and therefore to equip them with all the necessary skills for effective work in the business environment.
Our degrees are a written evidence of the knowledge acquired at the VŠR College. For this reason we would want to highlight the basic goal of the Study Programmes at our College. If the “Knowledge is Power” theorem is, in principle, a very attractive goal, a knowledge can, however, also be misused and abused (for example for manipulation and fraud). Conversely, if knowledge is used in a useful and honest way, it becomes wisdom. Thus wisdom is the real objective of studying.
Useful and honest use of knowledge, namely brings the following:
- More autonomy at work, as one is not forced to always imitate others;
- Independence from others, which is particularly evident in greater social security and in freedom to express one’s own opinion;
- More personal balance;
Trust of coworkers and business partners; development of personal charisma.
Our graduates will furthermore:
- Be able to influence and manage their own careers;
- Use their ability of critical thinking with greater reliability and objectivity;
- Increase their self-confidence with the concomitant awareness that knowledge and learning are essentially endless processes.
Strategic Plan: click here
The VŠR College of Accounting and Finance is an independent higher education institution, offering two professional Study Programmes: Undergraduate Study Programme of Accounting and Finance and Master Study programme of Forensic Investigation in Finance and Accounting. It also offers two accredited Certification Training Programmes.
Dean: Darinka Kamenšek, MSc
Deputy Dean for Quality and Student Affairs: Branko Mayr, PhD.
Head of International office: Mojca Mayr
Student Affairs Office in Ljubljana: Helena Mihelčič
Student Affairs Office in Maribor: Marjana Berghaus
Library: Andreja Može
Our graduates are organized in Alumni Club, where they exchange employment opportunities and ideas as well as and contribute to current professional content of VŠR.Students who have just graduated, are given additional information about the employment opportunities, whereas employers are cognizant of their candidates’ quality of education.Members of VSR Alumni club can also benefit from various training programmes, seminars and workshops organized by VŠR College and participate in the creation of the College’s new (educational) content.
Stegne 21c, II/floor, 1000 Ljubljana
Based on the decision No. 1/24-2006 from 12.12.2006, Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Higher Education accredited the independent higher education institution College of Accounting and Finance for study area (34) Business and Administrative Sciences. The institution is registered in the Register of Higher Education Institutions at the Ministry of Higher Educational, Science and Technology under No. 23.
The institution operates at the headquarters of the VŠR College in Ljubljana and at its unit in Maribor.
Phone: (00386) 059 090 960
Fax: (00386) 059 090 962
E-mail address: info@vsr.si
Registration number in the Court Register: 1/46906/00 at the Ljubljana District Court.
SRG Number: Srg 2007/03704 from 10.5.2007
Tax Number (VAT): SI 62679198
Bank Account: 10100-0052573219 opened at Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.
Chairman of the Management Board: BRANKO MAYR, PhD
At the VŠR College, we offer you the possibility of hiring our lecture rooms.
All of our lecture rooms are equipped with an interactive whiteboard, projector and computer network with Internet access. Dimensions of desks (are diverse and) allow for different layouts, thus adapting to the wishes and needs of the customer.
Plenty of natural light and pleasant ambience will give new dimensions to your lectures and bring great pleasure in learning to participants and satisfaction in teaching to lecturers.
Why choose to rent our lecture rooms?
- The lecture rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with modern and user-friendly technical equipment;
- All lecture rooms have daily light;
- We offer a personal approach to customer’s wishes;
- We have a lobby suitable for socializing, banquets, exhibitions and accompanying events;
- The vending machines for hot and cold drinks are available in the lobby;
- Lecture rooms are easily accessed from the Ljubljana Ring Road (Lj. Stegne-Industrial Zone). There are enough parking places around the business building, as well as easy access by public transport (bus stop by Mercator Center in Šiška – line 8-Gameljne – Brnčičeva)
- The lecture rooms can also be rented during the weekends.
The rental price includes the following technical equipment
- LCD Projector
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Flip Chart Whiteboard
- Internet access
Lecture Room Price/Hour (60min)
- Large lecture room (up to 50 persons): 40 EUR
- Small lecture room (up to 28 persons): 25 EUR
- Reading room (up to 12 persons ): 30 EUR
- We offer discounts for multi-day rentals. Lecture rooms can also be rented during the weekend.