The Simulation of Sustainable International Business (S.O.S. IB) project partners finally met again in person. This time all core project participants were present in Zagreb. At the two-day meeting we looked back to what was achieved so far, performed the second internal project evaluation, made plans for the upcoming dissemination activities and activities for exploitation of project results. Very soon, interested faculties, universities, companies, NGOs, etc. will be able to participate in training about the use of our S.O.S. IB digital tool and preparations of educational simulations in the area of sustainable international business. In the next months and years, more and more students will be learning about it in interdisciplinary, interactive and very practical ways.
At the meeting, we also tested the very first version of the mobile game about the same topic, which we will be upgrading in the following weeks and test in wider, external context in April. In late spring, it is presumed to be available to general public.
In the next weeks we will therefore conclude with the final testing of the digital tool in classes, make upgrades and start preparing for national and international trainings. Our teachers will also participate in the third and last round of interviews, which will contribute to our longitudinal study of the effects of digitalisation of study processes on the internationalisation of small higher education institutions. The study will be presented to the general and professional public in the autumn this year.
This year our meeting preceded 1st of March, when Bulgarians are celebrating the arrival of spring or Baba Marta. The whole team received martenitsas, which are exchanged between friends and relatives in Bulgaria together with good wishes of happiness and health.We also tasted various traditional Croatian dishes and beverages, took a ride on the worlds shortest funicular and strolled through the narrow streets of the Upper town – the oldest part of Zagreb, stretching between two hills: Kaptol and Gradec.
Everyone is excited to return to winter Zagreb at the end of the year, when we will meet for the last time within the S.O.S IB project. Meanwhile, we are back to work and are hoping to meet you at our upcoming trainings!
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The project S.O.S. International Business is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships.