International Training S.O.S. IB


Between 13th and 18th June 2022, we have conducted international training in the framework of the European project S.O.S. IB. (Simulation of Sustainable International Business) in Slovenia. Training was organised for the key staff involved in the development of the project results. The project aims to develop simulations that will enable international collaboration of lecturers and students in creating study content or in learning about sustainable international business through a digital tool. In addition, the project develops a mobile game to provide the individual learners the initial skills in sustainable international business, and an analysis about the impact of innovative pedagogy (e. g. simulations) on the internationalisation of involved higher education institutions.

The training was organised by the VŠR College for Accounting and Finance and was attended by all project partners. Twelve trainees were working on all project result during an intensive week in Adergas. Guest lecturer dr. Lea Bregar  provided much appreciated introduction on the integration of innovative pedagogy in learning processes. Trainees got familiar with the developing tool that will enable simulations, and have moreover set the technical specifications for the mobile game. The most important progress was made in the content development of the simulation cases. Six lecturers from the three partner higher education institutions, assisted by a sustainability expert, developed draft content for 9 simulated cases and the game. There is still a lot of work to be done, but the first classroom and online testing is predicted to start in February 2023. At the same time, the training also included a first round of interviews with the teaching staff involved, which will help to understand the changes in attitudes, experiences and skills of the educators in relation to innovative pedagogy and internationalisation.

The training was carried out in a small village of Adergas, surrounded by green meadows and ponds, framed with beautiful mountain views and friendly locals. The authentic natural environment and the activities organised in local environment gave the participants the necessary relaxation during the busy work process. We stayed in family run hotel, visited the Adergas Monastery, the local bee-keeping museum in Cerklje, and the organic mountain shepherd farm at Krvavec. Our participants were also traveling sustainably as they mostly came to Slovenia by green means of transport (e.g. carpooling instead of flying).

The project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme (Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships) and involves the coordinating organization College of Accounting and Finance VŠR, and partner organizations College of Financial Management RRiF, Varna University of Management VUM and The Croatian Institute for CSR  IDOP.

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