
In next days, the SOS IB consortium is organizing two multiplier events for all the project results.

First multiplier for results 1 (e-learning application), 2 (digital simulations), and 3 (mobile game), will take place on Thursday, 5. 12., at 8 am. (Zoom link).

And the second multiplier event about the findings in the study about the impact of SOS IB e-learning to internationalisation in smaller higher education institutions, which will take place on Firday, 13. 12., at 10 a.m. (Registration).

We will be happy to discuss the SOS IB results and answer any questions you might have!

Warmly welcome!


Thursday, December 5th, 8 a.m. CET

Friday, December 13th, 10 a.m. CET


Virtual events


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