S.O.S. International Business presented to the Universities in Uzbekistan


Last week, students and faculty from universities in Uzbekistan had the opportunity to learn more about the innovative “Simulation of Sustainable International Business” (SOS IB) project by project partners at Varna University of Management. All project results, but especially the digital application for e-learning (R1), the developed simulation cases (R2), and the mobile game for individual learners (R3), were presented and discussed.

The main goal of the project  – to enhance the quality of education by utilizing innovative methods and to foster international collaboration among students and lecturers across various disciplines – was discussed thoroughly.

Collaboration across borders is key to building a sustainable future. Colleagues at Varna University of Management extend their gratitude to the participants for their enthusiasm and dedication to this impactful initiative! 

The project S.O.S. International Business is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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